15 – 18 June 2023, 10:00–17:00 (15 – 17 June), 11:00–15:00 (18 June)
Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Am Schloß Broich 38, Mülheim an der Ruhr
Language: German and English
Programme Leaders: Sina-Marie Schneller and Jascha Sommer
The independent performing arts beyond growth
Constant growth is simply not possible on a planet with finite resources. Transition to a post-growth society is unavoidable. And yet, the independent performing arts are also governed by the dogma of growth: particularly in the last three years of the pandemic, research, conferences and productions have reached a level never been seen before. However, for most artists, nothing has changed in terms of their working conditions or social security: their situation remains precarious. How can we get off this treadmill? The ACADEMY will address this question in a series of lectures and three workshops lasting several days.
The programme begins with feedback from the research project ‘System Check‘, which examines working conditions and social security in the independent performing arts. In three workshops lasting several days we will then explore how other theatre work might look in future. To conclude, representatives of associations, trade unions and working groups invite you to round table discussions about how the proposals for the future developed in the workshops might be included in practice in political work.
The ACADEMY itself also wishes to avoid hyperproductivity. Space will therefore be reserved for participants to cook together, hang out in the mini˗library and have unstructured conversations
Participation in the research project ‘System Check‘, the lectures and round table discussions is free of charge. No reservations are required.
For the workshops, reservations are required by 30 April 2023.
Registered participants in the workshops will also be able to attend festival events in Düsseldorf in the evenings. The evening programme, meals and shuttles to Düsseldorf (and also accommodation where required) are included in the workshop package.
You may choose from the following three workshops:
See the registration form below.
(Please choose any language other than German at the end of the form.)
Workshop 1:
Commoning our work, commoning our institutions.
Post-capitalist training in shared work and production
With Emanuele Braga and Gabriella Riccio (Institute of Radical Imagination)
Language: English
Can artistic practice be a model for ways out of the crisis? In the workshop ‘Commoning our work, commoning our institutions’, artists and activists from the Institute of Radical Imagination will talk about their practice: they try to create spaces for the growth of the commons against privatisation, gentrification and exploitation - from the micro-level of the individual to reclaiming or occupying urban space and influencing planning and politics. Together with the participants, they will try to shape the idea for a theatre of the commons. The concept of the commons is based on the experience of self-managed art and cultural spaces such as L'Asilo (Naples) or MACAO (Milan) that focus on collective work for shared space in the city that belongs to everyone.
Workshop 2:
We have no art: we do everything as well as we can.
An experiment in Maintenance Art
With Inga Bendukat and Eleonora Herder (andpartnersincrime)
Language: German
What if our understanding of art focussed not on production, but on reproduction? If care-giving relationships did not inhibit artistic collaboration, but enriched it? How do artistic working processes operate if they are no longer conceived in terms of neoliberal production principles, but rather in terms of maintenance: as revival and reconnection? What can art learn here from radical care work activists? And what if we understood art itself as care work? Would that then become Maintenance Art? Together with the participants, andpartnersincrime investigate a form of independent theatre that combines art and care work and experiment with this Maintenance Art in the city of Mülheim.
Workshop 3:
Producing for the common good.
Balancing our work with the economics of the common good
With Oliver Eller and Sandra Paul (Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie)
Language: German
The Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie (economics of the common good) is a movement that wishes to base our economy fundamentally on the democratically defined common good and the concept of co-operation. In the workshop Oliver Eller and Sandra Paul introduce the movement and, together with the participants, study examples of balancing the common good in and beyond the independent performing arts and ask: how can we rethink our work in view of the limits of the planet and increasing social crises? How can we realign production in the independent theatre and integrate values such as solidarity, justice, ecological sustainability and transparency into our actions?
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