By and with students of the Master programme ”Scenic Research” at Ruhr University Bochum:
Kati Masami Menze, Dzenny Samardzic, Saskia Schalenbach and Anna-Luella Zahner
Ranging from discussion over a beer to a relaxation package: at the Impulse Theater Festival 2024 the route from one venue to the next means a lot more than “getting from A to B.” IMPULSE CONNECTIV gives people a pretext to meet each other and offers a pleasant change: talks and snacks are combined to become “snalks” and our lottery gives you the chance to win some special transport upgrades. The transfers are turned into part of the festival – both easing the pace and springing the odd surprise.
Dates:29.5., as part of the opening: Snalks at Schauspiel Köln, Depot 2
30.5., as part of ACADEMY #1: Lottery, Shuttle FFT Düsseldorf – Südstadion, Cologne
4.6., after INTRODUCING SMILE VIDYA: Lottery, Shuttle TanzFaktur – Schauspiel Köln, Depot 2
6.6., after MUSEUM OF UNCOUNTED VOICES: Snalks and hangout, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn
8.6., after ACADEMY #2 / FORUM: Lottery, Shuttle FFT Düsseldorf – Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn